CFD & FEA: Introduction | CFD (details) | FEA (details)

ibmv performs research and development projects sponsored by both the national and regional authorities in Germany and has an established working co-operation with:

  1. Hydrodynamic test facilities, SVA & HSVA
  2. German shipyards
  3. German Universities
  4. Classification societies

Recent Projects include:

  • Sponsored by Wirtschaftsministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern:
    "Entwicklung von Strömungsleiteinrichtungen."
    "Composite - Ruderschäfte für große, schnelle Handelsschiffe."

  • Sponsored by Bundeswirtschaftsministerium für Forschung und Bildung (BMBF) Berlin
    "Elektrisches Antriebssystem mit nabenlosem Ringpropeller, Systemintegration des nabenlosen Ringpropellers als Strahlruder."

The result of this long term co-operation has been innovative developments, new products engineered and improvement in existing products for the maritime industry. Patented projects derived from earlier projects include the HERUS® rudder and the composite carbon rudder shaft project.

    © 2023 ibmv Maritime Innovationsgesellschaft mbH, Am Strande 18, 18055 Rostock, Germany, Tel. +49(0)381 36 44 53-00